What We're Learning

Evidence for Action (E4A) funds research evaluating the population health, wellbeing, and racial equity impacts of programs, policies, and practices. What We're Learning is a repository of media pieces, research articles, presentations, reports, and other materials highlighting E4A supported research and findings. Sort by topic or resource type. 

Teacher and pre-schoolers with arts & crafts

Drs. Liana Winett and Jeff Neiderdeppe discuss their findings from there narrative studies around early childcare and education with state legislators and the general public with Shel Holtz of the FIR Podcast Network.

Videos, Podcasts, & Webinars resource
 Image of man and child looking at a target.

In an ABCNews video featuring a number of experts, E4A grantee Claire Boine, discusses which policies most gun-owners agree on and highlights where common ground may be found.

Videos, Podcasts, & Webinars resource
Young teens walking in school hallway
With later school start times, parents who had at least one student in middle school or high school reported later wake times and increased sleep duration, averaging an additional 20 minutes of sleep per night, while there were no changes for parents of only elementary school children that had earlier school start times.
Published Research resource

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