Topic: Criminal Justice
From policing to sentencing to probation, criminal justice policies and practices can affect the health of individuals, families, and communities. E4A funded research related to this topic focuses on understanding the health impacts of interventions designed to reform the criminal justice system.
Funded Projects
Pathways to Reducing Sleep Fragmentation Due to Law Enforcement Helicopter Surveillance Prosecutorial Decision-Making Tool to Advance Equity A New Crisis Intervention Model? Non-Police Alternative Emergency Response Programs, Racial Equity, and Health Justice Collateral Sanctions, Race, and Health The Consequences of Ending Cash Bail for Community Health Equity Transforming Public Safety to Address Structural Racism and Reduce Health Inequities Exploring Alternative Models of 911 Response to Behavioral/Mental Health Crises Can Barrier Reduction Subsidies Help Reduce Youth Delinquency and Improve Population Health? A Randomized Controlled Trial in Wilmington, Delaware Denver Pay for Success Initiative: Supportive Housing and Health Outcomes The Intergenerational Effects of the Criminal Justice System on Children’s Health