Topic: Making Health a Shared Value
Making health a shared value is the cornerstone of RWJF’s vision for building a Culture of Health. Shared values are conceptualized as a reflection of civic engagement, sense of community, and population-level mindsets and expectations, or social norms. Research we fund in this area focuses on how to shift and align social values in ways that prioritize health and well-being for everyone.
Funded Projects
Combatting Youth Beverage Marketing with Indigenous Culture Risk Adjustment Methods for Patient Experience to Advance Health Equity Identifying Shared Values to Support an Inclusive Culture of Health Around Firearms: What Communication Messages Work? Evidence-Based Strategies to Increase General Public and State Legislator Support for Policies to Fund and Enhance Early Childhood Development Making Health a Shared Value of Youth Culture (The HAVOYCE Project) Building a Culture of Health Through the Built Environment: Adaptable Solutions to Community Well-Being