Topic: Economic Opportunity
Financial security and the ability to meaningfully participate in the economy are key drivers of individual and population health and well-being. Economic opportunity is shaped by a variety of systems and practices related to how people build wealth, including but not limited to wages and employment policies. E4A funded research related to this topic focuses on determining the causal links between initiatives designed to “level the economic playing field” and health outcomes.
Funded Projects
Examining the Effects of the 2021 Child Tax Credit Expansion on Child Health: Quasi-Experimental Evidence From National Surveys Cash Payments and Infant Health: A Natural Experiment Supporting the Health and Financial Security of Women Through Financial Education Adapting Economic and Social Empowerment (EA$E) Gender Equity Groups for Forcibly Displaced Populations Can Barrier Reduction Subsidies Help Reduce Youth Delinquency and Improve Population Health? A Randomized Controlled Trial in Wilmington, Delaware Volatility, Agency, and Health: A City-Led Guaranteed Income Experiment Impact of Family Development Services on Family Health Health at a Living Wage: Evidence From Natural Experiments Health Impacts of Social Policies to Expand Economic Opportunity in Underserved Populations Exploring the Effects of Wage on the Culture of Health in Early Childhood Education Centers The EARN-Health Trial: Intervening on Economic Determinants of Health