The TROLLEY Study: assessing travel, health, and equity impacts of a new light rail transit investment during the COVID-19 pandemic

The TROLLEY (TRansit Opportunities for HeaLth, Livability, Exercise and EquitY) study will use rigorous methods, as described in this Study Protocol paper in BMC Public Health, to advance our understanding of health, well-being, and equity-oriented outcomes of new light rail transit (LRT) line in Southern California. The study will look at the impacts of the LRT infrastructure on a demographically diverse group of adult university employees during through the COVID-19 recovery period. Findings will inform decision-making around land use, workplace interventions, and investments in transportation and health programs/initiatives. It should also provide insights into how to make sure the needs of vulnerable users is being met and the infrastructure will be more resilient during future surges and other health pandemics.