Dr. Jones is an Associate Professor with appointments in Sociology, Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, and Africana Studies at The George Washington University. As an urban sociologist, he is particularly concerned about socio-environmental processes that affect health and well-being during various stages of the life course. Engaged in national and international research, Dr. Jones examines how residential processes and neighborhood contexts are essential to the study of adult cardiovascular disease, child obesity, and disability among the elderly.
Dr. Jones is on a temporary leave from the NAC due to other professional commitments.
As an interdisciplinary scholar, I regularly hear about great research, and I am constantly exposed to new perspectives within several literatures. The unique joy that I have with working with E4A is that I get to see those tools for great research and those perspectives used to make meaningful change to individuals and communities. The program lives up to its name – it provides Evidence for Action.