Welcome to the Evidence for Action Blog!
Since Evidence for Action (E4A) launched in 2015, with more than 2000 Letters of Intent and over 100 Full Proposals reviewed, we have seen time and again that methodological issues– the approaches used to evaluate an intervention – are one of the most important barriers to providing compelling, actionable evidence to promote population health and reduce health inequalities. This motivated the creation of this blog, which is intended to provide an informal setting to discuss methods issues, share insights from the E4A Methods Lab (see below) and other leaders with expertise in designing and conducting research, highlight the innovative methodological approaches of E4A grantees, and much more.
Why did we create the E4A Methods Lab?
In an effort to address common methods questions and challenges in fielding rigorous quantitative research on population health, social conditions that impact health, and health systems E4A recently founded our Methods Lab. The goals of the Lab are to strengthen the research of E4A grantees and the larger community of population health researchers, to help prospective grantees recognize compelling research opportunities, and to stimulate cross-disciplinary conversation and appreciation across the community of population health researchers.
The Methods Lab is supported by the entire E4A team and the National Advisory Council, with Ellicott Matthay and Maria Glymour leading the Lab's projects.
What can you expect from the blog?
Members of the E4A team, National Advisory Committee, grantees, and other leaders in this space will contribute. Future posts will address methodological topics that we think are critical for population health research. Some will feature Methods Notes on concepts that frequently arise in E4A projects or related research—for example, choosing among study designs or presenting informative power or sample size calculations. We will also use this blog to feature discourse or conversations, such as interviews with leaders in the field about the methods topics they think are most important or challenging.
We invite you to make comments, initiate discussions, and suggest future topics and/or contributors for the blog.