
  • Who may serve as a Principal Investigator?

    Anyone may be designated as the Principal Investigator (PI). The PI does not need to hold an advanced degree nor need to be considered a "researcher" for the project. Two PIs may be listed in the letter of intent application, but the team is not limited to these two individuals. For ease of administration, it is preferable, but not required, for the PI to be based at the lead organization.

  • Can individuals apply or do you require a team?

    While individuals may apply, it is our experience that it is very difficult to achieve both the level of rigor and actionability that we expect without engaging multiple different perspectives and expertise in the project. We look for teams that have not only methodological expertise, but subject matter and practical expertise as well, to help ensure that the research is not only theoretically grounded, but also reflects real world conditions and dynamics. Subject matter expertise might include scholarship in or understanding of principles of health equity and structural racism, and practical expertise could include lived personal or professional experiences, training credentials, etc.

  • What types of organizations are eligible to apply for funding?

    Preference will be given to applicant organizations that are either institutes of higher education, public entities, tribal organizations, or nonprofit organizations that are tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, but other types of nonprofit and for-profit organizations are eligible to apply. Applicant organizations must be based in the United States, reservations, or U.S. territories; submissions from teams that include both U.S. and international members are eligible, but the lead applicant must be based in the United States or its territories.

  • Is there a preference for which organization should act as the lead?

    No, applicants should determine the lead organization based on which has the capacity to administer the grant.

  • May I submit more than one letter of intent (LOI)?

    Yes. Applicants may submit multiple LOIs, serve as a partner for another organization's LOI, and/or resubmit a refined or new LOI if a previous submission was not accepted. There are no rigid restrictions against multiple submissions from the same applicant. We aim to be inclusive of a wide range of ideas and perspectives, therefore, we encourage you to think critically about the relative strengths of the projects for which you are considering submitting LOIs.

  • May I receive more than one grant from E4A?

    There are no rigid restrictions against multiple awards to the same researcher or applicant organization. However, RWJF values supporting a diverse grantee pool with a wide range of innovative ideas. E4A will prioritize new research over subsequent funding to extend a study after an initial award has ended. In some cases, a compelling rationale might be made for the importance of additional information that could be gained by extending research on a previously funded project, which could warrant successive funding.

  • May I submit a proposal that is also being considered for funding by other organizations (government funding agency, foundation, etc.)?

    Yes, applicants may submit a proposal that is being considered by other organizations. If you receive funding from other sources besides RWJF you will be required to report this to RWJF and adjust or expand the activities and budget as appropriate so there is no duplication of funding. You are allowed to expand your project’s scope of work with funding from other sources, as long as you complete the project that RWJF funded you to conduct.

  • May I apply for this funding opportunity even if I am already funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)?

    Yes, applicants who have other active RWJF grants may apply. 

  • If I am not chosen for this funding opportunity, will I still be eligible for other RWJF grant opportunities?

    Yes, interested applicants may apply to E4A again or to other RWJF funding opportunities. Each funding program of RWJF has distinct objectives, funding guidelines, and criteria. To learn more about other funding programs and initiatives at RWJF, visit https://www.rwjf.org/en/how-we-work/grants-and-grant-programs.html.

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