Challenging the Status Quo: Shifting Power in Research Partnerships Panel

Join us on October 2, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET for a moderated discussion around shifting power in research partnerships. Register now.

Structural racism is embedded in every aspect of society and contributes to the health disparities that persist today. If we are to create a world where health is truly for everyone, we must embrace new ways of learning that challenge the status quo. An important step in challenging structural racism is designing research studies that authentically incorporate community partners' expertise and lived experience. When community collaboration is embedded throughout the research process, findings are more relevant and better positioned to inform changes that directly address community needs. A panel by national program offices of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) will feature unique research collaborations, including:

  • Nebraska’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) service locations to develop a community-based screening program for colorectal cancer.
  • The first US municipality where both city and county governments jointly signed reparations resolutions in Buncombe County, NC.
  • A community-based organization and university team up to support fathers experiencing homelessness in Atlanta, GA.

Cross-sector research collaboration teams from RWJF Evidence for Action, Policies for Action, and Systems for Action will share their insights and findings about promoting health equity in their local communities.


  • Jungyoon Kim, PhD | Evidence for Action
  • Tamarie Macon, PhD, Rob Thomas, & Chasity Leake | Policies for Action
  • Latrice Rollins, PhD, Thomas Cotton & Lease Youmans | Systems for Action

9am PT / 12pm ET

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